McMillans in South Africa

A journal of our long-awaited journey through the beautiful country of South Africa

Thursday, September 28, 2006

10 Days To Go (but who's counting..?)

I think our packing list has officially reached 2 full pages.
Now before you assume we're packing the kitchen sink, I should expand on's in mega detail so as not to forget anything vital (like contact solution or binoculars). I'm still not sure how exactly we're going to fit a month's worth of 'life' into these few suitcases, so if we run out of clothes, I suppose it's a good thing South Africa has nude beaches :)
We're down to 10 days until we fly out and are still experiencing a myriad of emotions, from delighted beyond belief, to a little anxious and overwhelmed. In fact, I'm sure the enormity of this 'event' has still not quite hit us. Our days seem to go as usual (at a slightly more hurried speed) and then suddenly we look at each other, wide-eyed, and in unison exclaim how few days left we have and one of the many things we just can't wait to see/taste/experience/meet, etc. This is followed by enormous smiles and giggles of delight. We're quite ridiculous, really!
We feel like Charlie must have felt in the days before the enormous gates of the chocolate factory opened to lure him in.
Hmm, it's simply euphoric.


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